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Marco Bernasconi


A Space Age on Earth : 2019

This essay introduces the need to consider a new perception of our planet called Greater Earth. A perception that is based on Earth’s true cosmic dimensions as defined by the laws of physics and how this new perception may catalyze …


The OURS Projects

O.U.R.S. – the Orbiting Unification Ring Satellite OUR-Space Peace Sculpture Arthur Woods In the 1970’s my art had become inspired by scientific information about the nature of the universe which was reflected in my primary mode of expression, which at …


Our Window of Opportunity

Our civilization is at its peak – we have the means today to implement The Space Option but not yet the commitment. However, if our species does not soon embrace this unique opportunity with sufficient commitment, it may miss its …


Considering the Universe

Contribution by Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi The progress of the astronomical sciences has constantly opened new horizons to the humanity’s culture, not only by the discovery of new celestial objects, but mainly by showing the real dimensions of the Universe. …


Ethical Considerations in Astronautical Endeavours

  ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN ASTRONAUTICAL ENDEAVOURS Introductory Remarks Marco C. Bernasconi The OURS Foundation, CH-8953 Dietikon, Switzerland Paper IAA-95-IAA.8.1.01 presented at the XLVI International Congress of Astronautics, in Oslo (Norway),October 1995 Introduction Ethics is not a scientific discipline, but part …