The Space Option: An Alternative to War
The Space Option: An Alternative to War Arthur R. Woods Here on Earth, human civilization has reached such a point in its development where it has evolved the means to leave its home planet and to begin operating in …
Space Energy Options for Addressing the Energy Dilemma and the Climate Emergency
Arthur R. Woods (*) and Marco C. Bernasconi (**) Keywords: The Space Option, Energy Dilemma, Climate Emergency, Space Energy Options, Space-Based Solar Power, Lunar Solar Power, Helium-3 Abstract Humanity is facing an imminent Energy Dilemma in that the limited proven reserves of …
The Greater Earth System
The Greater Earth System Arthur Woods (*) “If God wanted man to become a spacefaring species, he would have given man a Moon.” Krafft A. Ehricke, 1984 [1] This article introduces the concept that Greater Earth is not only a region defined …
GEEO – Greater Earth Energy Organization
GEEO – Greater Earth Energy Organization A Space Solution to a Terrestrial Problem Arthur R. Woods (*) Introduction Humanity is at a crossroads: it must decide if it prefers to live and prosper in an energy rich world or …
Space Solutions to Terrestrial Problems
Most people intuitively assume and fundamentally believe that terrestrial problems must have terrestrial solutions. This is likely due to a lack of understanding about our interconnectedness and interdependence with the rest of the cosmos. As a terrestrially evolved organism, it …
Making Cosmic Choices
If one believes that other technological civilizations have appeared throughout the Cosmos, then one can speculate they must have faced a similar choice that confronts humanity at this particular moment in its history. Did these distant civilizations decide to use …
A Space Age on Earth : 2019
This essay introduces the need to consider a new perception of our planet called Greater Earth. A perception that is based on Earth’s true cosmic dimensions as defined by the laws of physics and how this new perception may catalyze …
Space, Art and the Future of Humanity
“spaceoptionism”, “spaceoptimism”, “spaceism” or “………….. “ In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, at the beginning of the modernist era and of modern art, the avant-garde was characterized by its confidence and optimism about the future. The artists, writers …
Risk Analysis of Climate Change, and Potential SPS Contribution to Global Warming or Global Cooling Mitigation
Although the mass media have for several years treated the theory of “global warming” caused by humans’ emissions of CO2 as proven fact, the direction of future climate change and its causes are the subject of heated controversy within the …
Our Window of Opportunity
Our civilization is at its peak – we have the means today to implement The Space Option but not yet the commitment. However, if our species does not soon embrace this unique opportunity with sufficient commitment, it may miss its …
Why Space Art? = Why Space?
Approximately 100 years ago, at the beginning of the modernist era and of “modern art”, the avant-garde was characterized by its confidence and optimism about the future. They held the firm belief that the industrial age was opening many new …
Assessing Our Civilization’s Future Energy Needs
This article looks at the future energy needs of our civilization by examining the predictions and recommendation of recently published studies by the three of the world’s important energy organizations: the World Energy Council (WEC, the U.S. Energy Information Administration …
Innovative Technologies from Science Fiction for Space Applications
The idea that science fiction literature contained innovative technological ideas which could possibly be brought to a point of development with either today’s technology or possibly technology which was just around the corner was the driving force behind an European …
More Space or More War?
The main point of this article is about the use of space technologies either for peace or for war and how that choice may influence the implementation of The Space Option. Simply stated, humanity must soon make a choice between …
How Civilizations Choose to Fail or Succeed
In his book “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed”, Jared Diamond, a geologist, examines a number of ancient societies that have collapsed including, among others, Easter Island, the Mayan culture and the Norse settlements in Greenland. The keyword …
Considering the Universe
Contribution by Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi The progress of the astronomical sciences has constantly opened new horizons to the humanity’s culture, not only by the discovery of new celestial objects, but mainly by showing the real dimensions of the Universe. …
Space Expectations: Shaping the Next Fifty Years
As the 21st century gets further underway, the impact of space activities upon the welfare of humanity will only increase. It has been acknowledged that one of the most significant events of the 20th century was when humanity left its …
Ethical Considerations in Astronautical Endeavours
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN ASTRONAUTICAL ENDEAVOURS Introductory Remarks Marco C. Bernasconi The OURS Foundation, CH-8953 Dietikon, Switzerland Paper IAA-95-IAA.8.1.01 presented at the XLVI International Congress of Astronautics, in Oslo (Norway),October 1995 Introduction Ethics is not a scientific discipline, but part …