Our Window of Opportunity
Our civilization is at its peak – we have the means today to implement The Space Option but not yet the commitment. However, if our species does not soon embrace this unique opportunity with sufficient commitment, it may miss its …
Why Space Art? = Why Space?
Approximately 100 years ago, at the beginning of the modernist era and of “modern art”, the avant-garde was characterized by its confidence and optimism about the future. They held the firm belief that the industrial age was opening many new …
Space and the Arts by Dr David Raitt
This paper provides an overview of the relationship between space and art by discussing art that has been sent into space, orbital sculptures, art on Earth seen from space, and performance art and dance in zero gravity. The paper then …
The Role of Art in the Space Environment
Artworks that may be simultaneously experienced by the entire planet represent a revolutionary development in the history of the visual arts. In 1911, Wassily Kandinsky wrote: “The great epoch of the Spiritual which is already beginning, or, in …
The OUR-Space Peace Sculpture Project
The OUR-Space Peace Sculpture Project Introducing a Cultural Dimension into the Space Environment Arthur R. Woods – Artist, Founder and President of the OURS Project. Member: I.A.A.A., I.S.A.S.T. Marco C. Bernasconi – OURS Vice President – Technical, Member: FBIS, A.I.A.A. …