Ars Ad Astra – The 1st Art Exhibition in Earth Orbit
This text by Arthur Woods was first published on the Astronomers Without Borders website as the AstroArtist for the Month of April, 2016 AstroArtist of the Month – Arthur Woods (Part 3b of 4) The Orbiting Unification Ring Satellite and …
Art to the Stars – an Astronautical Perspective on the Arts and Space
Most people are probably not aware that the idea of space exploration began in the mind of the artist or that artists have been intimately involved in space exploration from the beginning. Yet long before the first rocket penetrated the …
Inflatable Technologies for Sculpture in Earth Orbit
A number of artists have made proposals for creating monumental artworks to be placed in Earth orbit which could be seen with unaided vision by those on Earth. While there has been a variety of technologies suggested most of the …
The OURS Projects
O.U.R.S. – the Orbiting Unification Ring Satellite OUR-Space Peace Sculpture Arthur Woods In the 1970’s my art had become inspired by scientific information about the nature of the universe which was reflected in my primary mode of expression, which at …
Risk Analysis of Climate Change, and Potential SPS Contribution to Global Warming or Global Cooling Mitigation
Although the mass media have for several years treated the theory of “global warming” caused by humans’ emissions of CO2 as proven fact, the direction of future climate change and its causes are the subject of heated controversy within the …