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The Greater Earth System

The Greater Earth System  Arthur Woods (*) “If God wanted man to become a spacefaring species, he would have given man a Moon.” Krafft A. Ehricke, 1984 [1] This article introduces the concept that Greater Earth is not only a region defined …


Space Solutions to Terrestrial Problems

Most people intuitively assume and fundamentally believe that terrestrial problems must have terrestrial solutions. This is likely due to a lack of understanding about our interconnectedness and interdependence with the rest of the cosmos. As a terrestrially evolved organism, it …


Making Cosmic Choices

If one believes that other technological civilizations have appeared throughout the Cosmos, then one can speculate they must have faced a similar choice that confronts humanity at this particular moment in its history. Did these distant civilizations decide to use …


A Space Age on Earth : 2019

This essay introduces the need to consider a new perception of our planet called Greater Earth. A perception that is based on Earth’s true cosmic dimensions as defined by the laws of physics and how this new perception may catalyze …


Space, Art and the Future of Humanity

“spaceoptionism”, “spaceoptimism”, “spaceism” or “………….. “ In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, at the beginning of the modernist era and of modern art, the avant-garde was characterized by its confidence and optimism about the future. The artists, writers …