The Space Option Concept
Authors & Papers on the Space Option’s Themes
– A Recommended Reading List –
Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi, MCB Consultants
A number of authors has contributed their thoughts to The Space Option, and among them numerous are those who have studied the technical feasibility and the positive economic impact of the utilization of extraterrestrial resources. However, the list of those authors who have reflected on the Space Option directly, i.e. in its relation to society, is substantially shorter. Even some of the major names in this sector served primarily as precursors, by laying out the stones upon which several contemporaries workers are building: such is the case, e.g., for Gerard K. O’Neill or Peter Glaser.
Authors like Michael A.G. Michaud, G. Harry Stine, Mark Hempsell have spoken out for the Space Option; the contributions by Ben Bova, Anthony Martin, David Criswell are very significant. But the giant in this field is without doubt Krafft A. Ehricke, who wrote on the subject of the rationale for the astronautical endeavour and of the Space Option – called by him the Extraterrestrial Imperative – for more than 25 years, from 1957 until his death in 1984. The present list makes no claim to be exhaustive: we attempted, however, to make it fairly comprehensive in terms of authors, who generally are represented by their most significant, and possibly recent, papers.
- Krafft A. Ehricke (1969). Exploration of the Solar System and of Interstellar Space. Annals NY Academy Sciences 163, 493-553.
- Krafft A. Ehricke (1970). In-Depth Exploration of the Solar System and Its Utilization for the Benefit of Earth. Annals NY Academy Sciences 187, 427-456.
- G.K. O’Neill (1975). Space Colonies and Energy Supply to the Earth. Science 190[4218], 943-947.
- Krafft A. Ehricke (1979). The Extraterrestrial Imperative, Part 1: Evolutionary Logic. JBIS 32, 311-317.
- Krafft A. Ehricke (1979). The Extraterrestrial Imperative, Part 2: Productive Earth Orbits – New
Partnership Through Pressures and Promises. JBIS 32, 410-418. - Krafft A. Ehricke (1979). The Extraterrestrial Imperative, Part 3: New Earth-Space Energy Metabolism. JBIS 32.
- David R. Criswell (1981). Human Roles in Future Space Operations. Acta Astronautica 8[09], 1161- 1171.
- Michael A.G. Michaud (1982). The Final Question: Paradigms for Intelligent Life in the Universe. JBIS 35[03], 131-134.
- Peter Creola (1996). Space & the Fate of Humanity. Keynote address to the International Space
University Symposium “Space for Service to Humanity,” Strasbourg (France), February 5–7; also: SpacePolicy 12[03], 193-201. (August) URL: Creola_Space_and_the_Fate_of_Humanity.pdf avail - John K Strickland Jr. (1996). Advantages of Solar Power Satellites for Base Load Electrical SupplyCompared to Ground Solar Power. Solar Energy 56[01], 23-40.
- MI Woodell & BW Schupp (1996). The Role of Pilot Projects & Public Acceptance in Developing
Wireless Power Transmission as an Enabling Technology for Space Solar Power Systems. Solar Energy56[01], 41-51. - Raymond S Leonard (1996). & A Sustainable Set of Civilizations. Solar Energy 56[01], 61-77.
- DR Criswell & RG Thompson (1996). Data Envelopment Analysis of Space & Terrestrial-Based Large Scale Commercial Power Systems for Earth: A Prototype Analysis of Their Relative Economic Advantages.Solar Energy 56[01], 119-131. (January)
- DR Criswell (1996). Lunar-Solar Power System: Need, Concept, Pay-offs, Challenges. IEEE Potentials [03], 4-7. (April)
- Patrick Collins (1996). SPS 2000 & its Internationalisation. Paper presented at the ASCE Engineering Construction & Operations in Space 5 conference, Proceedings 1, 269-279. URL: SPS_2000.pdf avail
- David R Criswell (1996). Lunar Solar Power System: Review of the Technology Base of an Operational LSP System. Paper IAF-96-R.2.04 presented at the 47th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing (China), October 7-11; also: Acta Astronautica 46[08] (2000), 531-540. avail
- A Hansson (1997). Astronautics in an Integrating World. Paper presented at the 48th International Astronautical Congress, Turin (Italy), October 4-10; also: Acta Astronautica 41[04], 629-636.
- MJ Sonter (1997). The technical & economic feasibility of mining the near-earth asteroids. Paper presented at the 48th International Astronautical Congress, Turin (Italy), October 4-10; also: ActaAstronautica 41[04], 637-647.
- Frederick Turner (1998). Terraforming & the Coming Charm Industries. Advances in Space Research 22[03], 433-439.
- Ivan Bekey & Richard Boudreault (1998). An Economically Viable Space Power Relay System. Paper presented at the 49th International Astronautical Congress, Melbourne (Australia), September 28-October2; also: Acta Astronautica 44[07] (1999), 385-390. avail
- Martyn J Fogg (2000). The ethical dimensions of space settlement. Space Policy 16[], 205-211. URL: Boulder_CSEPR.htm;
- David R Criswell (2001). Characteristics of Commercial Power Systems to Support a Prosperous
Global Economy. Paper presented at the 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse (France), October 1-5; also: Acta Astronautica 51[01] (2002), 173-179. - Anders Hansson (2001). Nuclear power and propulsion in space / Guest Editor’s Introductory
Comment. Space Policy 17[], 241–242. URL: Hansson_NuclearPowerandPropulsioninSpace.pdf avail - Daniel D Mazanek, Carlos M Roithmayr, Jeffrey Antol, Linda Kay-Bunnell, Martin R Werner, & alii (2002). Comet/ Asteroid Protection System (CAPS): A Space-Based System Concept for Revolutionizing Earth Protection & Utilization of Near-Earth Objects. Paper presented at the LIII International Astronautical Congress, Houston (Texas), October 10-19; also: Acta Astronautica 53[04] (2003), 405-422.
- Harvey Feingold & Connie Carrington (2002). Evaluation & Comparison of Space Solar Power
Concepts. Paper IAC-02-R.1.08 presented at the LIII International Astronautical Congress, Houston (Texas), October 10-19; also: Acta Astronautica 53[04] (2003), 547-559. URL: SSP_analysis.pdf avail - Jerome Pearson, John Oldson, & Eugene Levin (2002). Earth Rings for Planetary Environment Control. Paper IAF-02-U.1.01 presented at the 53rd International Astronautical Congress, Houston (Texas), October 10-19; also: Acta Astronautica 58[01] (2006), 44-57. URLs: earth_rings.pdf; Pearson-Oldson_2006.pdf avail
- Jerome Pearson, John Oldson, Eugene Levin (2006). Earth rings for planetary environment control. Acta Astronautica 58[], 44-57. URL: sdarticle.pdf
- Krafft A. Ehricke (1971). Extraterrestrial Imperative. Bu. Atomic Scientists 11, 18-26.
- G. Harry Stine (1974). The Third Industrial Revolution: The Exploitation of the Space Environment. Spaceflight 16[], 327-334.
- G.K. O’Neill (1974). The Colonization of Space. Physics Today [], 32-40.
- Charles Sheffield (1986). On Timeline Singularities, Space, and Human History. Far Frontiers 7, 2-19.
- Mark Hempsell (1989). Space Industrialization – A New Perspective. Spaceflight 31[07], 224-
- Gerald Feinberg (1974). Some Social Implications of Space Colonization. Space Manufacturing
Facilities – Space Colonies, Proceedings of the 2nd Princeton Conference, AIAA, New York, A13-22. - Peter E. Glaser (1975). Development of the Satellite Solar Power Station. Space Manufacturing
Facilities – Space Colonies, Proceedings of the 2nd Princeton Conference, AIAA, New York, 115-128.